Springing along

Spring is definitely in the air with balmy breezes and loads of rain. Gratefully the cool days have a bit of weight to them making them not so shivery. We are in full throatle bathroom remodel upstairs and have a new renter (in our previous guest bedroom) as of June! Future guests beware! We have plenty of space but do give us a wide heads up to ready for you!!! Meanwhile, treehouser is finally back at work again. And like every summer, looks to be busy well into the fall. I’m gonna have to figure out this cutting grass thing with two kiddos…trickier than you’d think.

The babes are both thriving at school making huge strides. Our wee family is quite content and cuddly. We are all thrilled for our new guest, Emily whom I’ve been working with since day one at Colgate. She is a welcome addition. The plan is for her to stay through December…but after that, all is unknown! Mystery abounds.

As for current activities, we celebrated Memorial day in the Catskills with our Treehouser friend, Christina and her friends and son (Hagan’s age!). It was quite the adventure of kids being wild in the rural country-scape while adults ate beautiful food in a beautiful place.

We are looking forward to a mid-June getaway to the Shore with the Yunkers to watch the mating ritual of the horseshoe crabs…. until then, I’ll be using my half day Fridays to…mow the lawn, perhaps?

About Camille

A Native to Seattle wishes to share a vision that comes from the heart. The heart knows there is no vacant space between us. The air is filled with vibrating molecules that reverberate as energy flows through. The energy comes from our bodies as we create molecules through thoughts and reactions. The molecules allow for life and action. The energy created from my molecules reverberates out to you. We are always touching even though miles may separate us. Can you feel me? I can feel you.
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