another year….

it took me a whole year to update the web server… and so, I haven’t posted until now. It seems ridiculous retrospectively but here we are. Parenting is no joke. I’m overwhelmed by working full time, managing two lives while the treehouser travels about. It’s been an incredibly hard year for me personally. I’m experiencing growing pains and loads of grief. And here I stand. The kiddos are a joy…albeit sometimes an additive stressor. But still, they contribute in a positive way to my a way I could have never predicted. and thank goodness. Sloane is pure joy while Hagan will be my challenge- he is simultaneously a mama’s boy and one who defies allthethings. he is and will continue to be a complete joy and full body challenge throughout the ages. I can only hope they will continue to be my close family and friend beyond the Mom-paradigm. When I can relax into the position, they are a complete delight. Such beauties, 

About Camille

A Native to Seattle wishes to share a vision that comes from the heart. The heart knows there is no vacant space between us. The air is filled with vibrating molecules that reverberate as energy flows through. The energy comes from our bodies as we create molecules through thoughts and reactions. The molecules allow for life and action. The energy created from my molecules reverberates out to you. We are always touching even though miles may separate us. Can you feel me? I can feel you.
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