Belated Spring Post

I honestly don’t know what happened to last weekend. I’m pretty sure we did stuff because the dishes were clean and the laundry was done and Hagan seemed happily pooped but I can’t remember the details. I’ve been busy at work and planning two big weekends. This coming weekend, we are catching up with Philly friends and the following weekend will be up in western Mass. Hanging with friends and family. So, onto being busy for a bit! Here we go!!


About Camille

A Native to Seattle wishes to share a vision that comes from the heart. The heart knows there is no vacant space between us. The air is filled with vibrating molecules that reverberate as energy flows through. The energy comes from our bodies as we create molecules through thoughts and reactions. The molecules allow for life and action. The energy created from my molecules reverberates out to you. We are always touching even though miles may separate us. Can you feel me? I can feel you.
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