Summer continues despite cooler evenings

We have been busy in bursts while having some time to recover. In general we are enjoying this tail end of summer. The treehouse datty returned, then left and returned again doing some work down in Nashville. While he was away we had a spontaneous visit from our Hawaiian friend who just happens to be visiting NY family. She came for just one night but it’s always fun to play host. We polished off the last of the summer sangria and enjoyed a late evening of girl time once the kiddo was off in dreamland. Hagan and I followed that up with my very first 4H fair experience. We met some friends, enjoyed every sweet thing that was offered such as cotton candy, funnel cake, ice cream. Hagan got to operate a back ho and pretty much didn’t want to do anything else after that. We also enjoyed larger than life robots, petted some cows and bunnies and watched RC cars and other racing sports until we were just pooped. Datty is home now and we will likely try to squeeze a camping trip in before we run down to Indiana for the Labor Day weekend… For 3 yr old celebrations with family.

More, more, more!!! Squeezing the life out of summer!!!

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About Camille

A Native to Seattle wishes to share a vision that comes from the heart. The heart knows there is no vacant space between us. The air is filled with vibrating molecules that reverberate as energy flows through. The energy comes from our bodies as we create molecules through thoughts and reactions. The molecules allow for life and action. The energy created from my molecules reverberates out to you. We are always touching even though miles may separate us. Can you feel me? I can feel you.
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