Indy fun is still in our bones but alas, we are back in Philly.

After so much fun reuniting with family, eating like piggies and lounging lakeside… I am back at work while the boys conquer an unbelievable pile of laundry and an out of control garden! I discovered a giant pumpkin which appears to have grown in our absence. I could hardly believe my eyes!

Hagan loved every minute of the trip except when he had to close his eyes.







About Camille

A Native to Seattle wishes to share a vision that comes from the heart. The heart knows there is no vacant space between us. The air is filled with vibrating molecules that reverberate as energy flows through. The energy comes from our bodies as we create molecules through thoughts and reactions. The molecules allow for life and action. The energy created from my molecules reverberates out to you. We are always touching even though miles may separate us. Can you feel me? I can feel you.
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